PentOpsVault @syztem4our666

Internet IconPentOpsVault



Show process that use internet connection at the moment
lsof -P -i -n
Show process that use specific port number
lsof -i tcp:443
Lists all listening ports together with the PID of the associated process
lsof -Pan -i tcp -i udp
List all open ports and their owning executables
lsof -i -P | grep -i "listen"
Show all open ports
lsof -Pnl -i
Show open ports (LISTEN)
lsof -Pni4 | grep LISTEN | column -t
List all files opened by a particular command
lsof -c "process"
View user activity per directory
lsof -u username -a +D /etc
Show 10 largest open files
lsof / | \
awk '{ if($7 > 1048576) print $7/1048576 "MB" " " $9 " " $1 }' | \
sort -n -u | tail | column -t
Show current working directory of a process
lsof -p <PID> | grep cwd

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