PentOpsVault @syztem4our666
Internet IconPentOpsVault

System Information


System Information Commands

CPU usage in percentage

HZ=`awk '/\#define HZ/ { print $3}' /usr/include/asm-generic/param.h`; NUMCPUS=`grep ^proc /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l`; FIRST=`cat /proc/stat | awk '/^cpu / { print $5}'`; sleep 1; SECOND=`cat /proc/stat | awk '/^cpu / { print $5}'`; USED=`echo 4 k 100 $SECOND $FIRST - $NUMCPUS $HZ \* / 100 \* - p | dc`; echo ${USED}

CPU usage in percentage (simpler version)

NUMCPUS=`grep ^proc /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l`; FIRST=`cat /proc/stat | awk '/^cpu / { print $5}'`; sleep 1; SECOND=`cat /proc/stat | awk '/^cpu / { print $5}'`; USED=`echo 2 k 100 $SECOND $FIRST - $NUMCPUS / - p | dc`; echo ${USED}%

Laptop battery in percentage

max=$(grep 'last full capacity:' /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info| awk '{ print $4}') ; current=$(grep 'remaining capacity:' /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state| awk '{ print $3}'); percent=$(expr $current'00' / $max ); echo -e $percent

Laptop battery in percentage (alternative)

upower -i $(upower -e | grep BAT) | grep --color=never -E percentage| xargs| cut -d' ' -f2| sed s/%//

Laptop battery in percentage (simpler version)

cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/uevent | awk '/POWER_SUPPLY_CAPACITY/ { print $1}' | sed 's/POWER_SUPPLY_CAPACITY=//'

Bluetooth MAC address

hciconfig -a | awk '/BD Address:/ { print $3}'

Bluetooth name

hciconfig -a | awk '/Name:/ { print $2}'

Network interfaces

ifconfig -a

Network interfaces (alternative)

ip a

Memory information

cat /proc/meminfo

Info about the Linux system

cat /proc/version

Info about the Linux system (alternative)

uname -a

Info about the Linux system (with a more detailed output)


PCI devices


USB devices


Block devices (except RAM disks) in a tree-like format


Uptime of machine


Disk usage info

df -k

Bootlog info

cat /var/log/boot.log

Show a small month's calendar
