Port 88/Kerberos
All credits to https://gist.github.com/TarlogicSecurity
Table of Contents
Port 88-Kerberos
Using impacket-lookupsid to get a list of usernames
We can fetch some usernames through Windows SID bruteforcing. To do this we can use impacket's lookupsid as guest. The same command can also be run as anonymous
Kerbrute for validate users
If we get a userlist from a domain we can validate users with kerbrute. Also if you don't have a list we can use a wordlist, the wordlist that give me the best results or that are most complete are the ones from Seclists. https://github.com/danielmiessler/Seclists We can use "xato-net-10-million-usernames.txt"
Performing AS-REP Roasting
AS-REP Roasting is a technique that allows retrieving password hashes for users that have "Do not require Kerberos preauthentication" property selected. With impacket-GetNPUsers we can get $krb5asrep$ hashes from users.
Then if we get hashes we can attempt to crack it with John.
With Rubeus version with brute module:
With Impacket example GetNPUsers.py:
With Rubeus:
Cracking with dictionary of passwords:
With Impacket example GetUserSPNs.py:
With Rubeus:
With Powershell:
Cracking with dictionary of passwords:
Overpass The Hash/Pass The Key (PTK)
By using Impacket examples:
Pass The Ticket (PTT)
Harvest tickets from Linux
Check type and location of tickets:
In case of file tickets, you can copy-paste (if you have permissions) for use them.
In case of being KEYRING tickets, you can use tickey to get them:
Harvest tickets from Windows
With Mimikatz:
With Rubeus in Powershell:
To convert tickets between Linux/Windows format with ticket_converter.py:
Using ticket in Linux:
With Impacket examples:
Using ticket in Windows
Inject ticket with Mimikatz:
Inject ticket with Rubeus:
Execute a cmd in the remote machine with PsExec:
Silver ticket
With Impacket examples:
With Mimikatz:
Inject ticket with Rubeus:
Execute a cmd in the remote machine with PsExec:
Golden ticket
With Impacket examples:
With Mimikatz:
Inject ticket with Rubeus:
Execute a cmd in the remote machine with PsExec:
To get NTLM from password:
- Impacket
- Mimikatz
- Rubeus
- Rubeus with brute module
- PsExec
- kerbrute.py
- tickey
- ticket_converter.py