PentOpsVault @syztem4our666

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Pentesting Windows ADImpacket

Impacket Scripts


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We can fetch some usernames through Windows SID bruteforcing. To do this we can use impacket's lookupsid as guest. The same command can also be run as anonymous.

impacket-lookupsid <USERNAME>@<IP> -no-pass -domain-sids | grep -i SidTypeUser


The impacket-dcomexec command is part of the Impacket toolkit and is used to execute commands on remote Windows systems via DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) protocol.


impacket-dcomexec [options] <target> <command>


impacket-dcomexec -object MMC20 DOMAIN/USERNAME:'PASSWORD'@ 'PAYLOAD' -silentcommand 


  • -object MMC20: Specifies the object to be invoked via DCOM. In this case, it's using MMC20, which is typically associated with Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
  • -silentcommand: Executes the specified command silently without displaying any output on the target system.
  • Other options can include authentication parameters, such as username and password, if required.

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