PentOpsVault @syztem4our666
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Databases CheatSheet


Table of Contents

Database Commands Cheatsheet

SQL (Structured Query Language)

Data Definition Language (DDL)

  • CREATE DATABASE: Create a new database
  • CREATE TABLE: Create a new table
  • ALTER TABLE: Modify an existing table structure
  • DROP TABLE: Delete a table
  • TRUNCATE TABLE: Remove all records from a table
  • CREATE INDEX: Create an index on a table
  • DROP INDEX: Drop an index from a table

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

  • INSERT INTO: Insert new records into a table
  • SELECT: Retrieve data from one or more tables
  • UPDATE: Modify existing records in a table
  • DELETE FROM: Delete records from a table
  • MERGE INTO: Perform an "upsert" operation (insert or update) based on a condition

Data Control Language (DCL)

  • GRANT: Give privileges to users
  • REVOKE: Remove privileges from users

Data Query Language (DQL)

  • SELECT: Retrieve data from one or more tables
  • JOIN: Combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column

MySQL Specific Commands

  • SHOW DATABASES: List available databases
  • USE database_name: Select a specific database to work with
  • SHOW TABLES: List tables in the current database
  • DESCRIBE table_name: Display the structure of a table
  • CREATE USER: Create a new user account
  • GRANT PRIVILEGES: Grant specific privileges to a user
  • REVOKE PRIVILEGES: Revoke specific privileges from a user
  • SHOW INDEX FROM table_name: Show indexes on a table
  • OPTIMIZE TABLE table_name: Optimize the table for better performance

PostgreSQL Specific Commands

  • \l: List available databases
  • \c database_name: Connect to a specific database
  • \dt: List tables in the current database
  • \d table_name: Describe the structure of a table
  • CREATE ROLE: Create a new role (user)
  • GRANT: Grant privileges to a role
  • REVOKE: Revoke privileges from a role
  • \di: List indexes in the current schema
  • VACUUM table_name: Reclaim storage occupied by dead tuples and update statistics

MongoDB Specific Commands

  • show dbs: List available databases
  • use database_name: Switch to a specific database
  • show collections: List collections in the current database
  • db.collection_name.find(): Retrieve documents from a collection
  • db.collection_name.insertOne(): Insert a new document into a collection
  • db.collection_name.updateOne(): Update an existing document in a collection
  • db.collection_name.deleteOne(): Delete a document from a collection
  • db.collection_name.createIndex(): Create an index on a collection
  • db.collection_name.dropIndex(): Drop an index from a collection

SQLite Specific Commands

  • .databases: List available databases
  • .tables: List tables in the current database
  • .schema table_name: Describe the structure of a table
  • .mode: Change the output mode (e.g., column, line)
  • .header on: Turn on column headers in query results
  • .quit: Exit the SQLite shell
  • .indices: List indexes for a table
  • .analyze: Analyze and optimize the database